Anyone got a C220 CDi (2001-2003)..i need a favour :-)


New Member
Feb 6, 2007
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have been trying to diagnose a fault in my A/C system on my C220 cdi(W203). The air con compressor has a black front cover (held on with a 10mm bolt) that connects to rubbers that are on the pulley wheel. My understanding was that when AC is on then the black cover would come into contact with the pulley wheel rubbers. When the AC is off then the cover would disengage with the rubbers and the coimpressor would no longer be engaged.

I have recently been told by an "expert" that on the W203 (2001-2002) that the black cover is constantly engaged with the rubbers on the pulley wheel and therefore the compressor is always engaged (direct drive compressor)

My question is therefore quite simple. Could someone with a working aircon system on a C220 cdi (2001-2002 ish) please check whether the front black cover on the front of the aircon compressor spins when EC is selected.

This will help greatly is the diagnosis of my curent aircon problem.


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