As Mercedes190E and gizze, it is an easy conversion, so condition of car the most important,
Don't wish to appear too negative, but have always worried about the concpet of putting your most precious assets in rearward facing seats (which is good) inside the "crumple zone" of your car (which is designed to deform on impact)?
Still, if it comes to the worst (and rear end collisions are extremely popular) I suppose the occupants will get an excellent view of events?
Is there any data available on this point?
I can look on the Volvo forum if I can still find it, as this is only an MB and Volvo thing
A hard topic to search on,, I see that Volvo stopped fitting them on safety grounds.
This is a question about the E Class estates, late W 124 or early W210.
Years 1994 to 2000.
Anyone know if the 7-seater estates are worth any more than the standard estates.