I have a W129, or 500 SL, wen i'm driving on low speeds approx 20 miles, or 40 miles, de ASR wil turn on and wouldn't turn off util I stop the car. I must stop the car and stop the engin running. After I have started the car again, I can drive for a few miles 1 or 2 or 3 miles and the light will turn on again.
The engin turns, have most of the times as it happes low rpm's, if the engin will be driving at high speeds over 60 mph, the ASR has never turn on.
Can someone help, by finding the problem, and when i go to a dealer every there is a big bill. for exemple 600 euro for new ABS sensors on the back, almost the same amount for the ABS sensors in the front. 500 euro for two new rotors and so on. But the faillure is stil i the car and not been found.
I sorry for my writing, i from Holland :Oops:
The engin turns, have most of the times as it happes low rpm's, if the engin will be driving at high speeds over 60 mph, the ASR has never turn on.
Can someone help, by finding the problem, and when i go to a dealer every there is a big bill. for exemple 600 euro for new ABS sensors on the back, almost the same amount for the ABS sensors in the front. 500 euro for two new rotors and so on. But the faillure is stil i the car and not been found.
I sorry for my writing, i from Holland :Oops: