battery discharging daily


New Member
Jul 1, 2008
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Hi Friends, could someone out there help me.I own a c270 cdi avant gard, lovely car.Recently though the battery has been discharging very quickly.I have narrowed down the culprits by attaching an ampmeter in line with the neg terminal of battery and watching the reading while taking out one fuse at a time.Most fuses do not lower the amp reading.The reading drastically dropped from .38 to .15 after taking out the fuse which governs the electrical adjustment of the stering wheel and the drivers seat(only these two parts)This was the highest drop of all of the fuses.I then left this fuse out when parking the vehicle overnight and found that the battery starts the car fine.Even leaving for a fewm days is ok now.Problem is I need to find the fault but I don't want to take it to merc as they'll rip me right off.Can I fix this myself? Has anyone else had or has this problem? Is it fixable at a price.Is there anything else I can try to find the fault.Please help.I've had enough of jump starting car and putting the fuse in and out of car!!! Thanks

Ellsy Tanners

Senior Member
Apr 17, 2007
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The seat control modules on a 203 are the single most common cause of battery drians, ive change loads for this.

Unplug the seat control unit under the drivers seat, but not the yellow airbag plug and it wont drain the battery.

A new unit is required unfortunatly.


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Jul 1, 2008
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battery discharging

thanks Ellsy.Very helpfull and everyone else seems to agree.Why can't you get this info of merc themselves,I find the service they provide is useless.Just money grabbers like everyone one else these days!!!

Regards and many thanks Tony.

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