Battery removal need to pass smog


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Sep 26, 2022
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Hi all. I had my battery removed while doing work on the car. It’s smog time and the guy told me I needed to drive it and get some miles on it to have it ready to test for smog.

Anyone know how many miles a 2002 clk55 amg needs to be driven to get the catalytic converter error to go away?

I don’t drive the car much at all because of all the custom work I got done to it.

So it’s not like I can just go hop on the freeway a lot

Thanks for any thoughts

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Dec 29, 2015
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CLK W209 W121190B
Italian tune up? 1/2 hour on a motorway at around 4500 or higher engine RPM


Senior Member
Apr 13, 2022
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S204 OM651 2012, Daimler V8 250 X 3
Get a bottle of dipetane. Half fill with fuel and put 33% of the bottle into the fuel. Go for a ten mile spin. When you get back put another 33% in and drive to your test. It is magic. I have used it for years with fantastic results.
If you go back on my posts you will see where I posted about a family members Audi A1 failing emissions les than 10k miles on the clock.
Test station said new oxygen sensor at £160.00 plus labour.
Did not change sensor, put Dipetane into it, passed with zero emissions.


Senior Member
Apr 13, 2022
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S204 OM651 2012, Daimler V8 250 X 3
I have found it exceptional. I first used it many years ago on an Audi 80 Tdi with 320,000mls on it, before a test. The emissions were so low that I saw the tester smelling the filler capo_O Stena Line and other liners are using it also.
You cannot overdose on it-at least vehicle wise;)-, as it is not an additive.


Senior Member
Sep 7, 2021
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E220 2005 2.1D
Not sure where the OP is but the fact they are concerned about a smog test after a battery disconnect, I'm guessing US or somewhere that adopts US regs.

Part of that test checks the OBD readiness monitors have completed successfully. Clearing DTCs resets those monitors. Disconnecting the battery would have cleared them on an old car, but even in 2002 ECUs had non volatile memory, so they should be retained.

To pass the monitors you just need to exercise the vehicle under varying temps, speeds and loads so the ECU can satisfy itself there are no errors. No magic potion will help here.


Senior Member
Apr 13, 2022
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Your Mercedes
S204 OM651 2012, Daimler V8 250 X 3
I hate these cryptic questions. Well he does use trunk and hood and smog so its leaning towards the States. He is not in Florida or Minnesota, as they did away with smog tests.
If he is in California-I think it is California- he can plead an inability to pay and he will get two years grace.
Anyway Dipetane is great:)


Senior Member
Jul 29, 2014
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bought some of that Dipetane.. turned up today - ripped open a bottle - smells of NOTHING at all, thought crikey is this some scam, poured a bit out - its a super greasy version of odourless water,


Senior Member
Apr 13, 2022
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Your Mercedes
S204 OM651 2012, Daimler V8 250 X 3
Ah but, you are not required to drink it;:D Its not an additive, nor is it corrosive.
read the independent findings and the findings by various users.

I think you will be pleasantly surprised if you allow yourself to be.

Novadyne coaches

"The current indications are a 17.8% increase in fuel efficiency after the addition of the Dipetane fuel additive. Thjer are also some emissions showing a 31% decrease in NOx at 2,000 revs on an Optare Solo bus.

The drivers are also noticing an increase in torque on the steep hills.

Many Thanks

Novadyne Limited,
270 Inverkip Road,
Greenock, PA16
Tel: 01475 638409"
Then there are all of these

  1. Novadyne Limited, bus/coach operator, UK, 16 December 2015
  2. Tanata Valley, bus/coach operator, UK, 11 January 2017
  3. DRM bus, bus/coach operator, UK, 7 July 2016
  4. Dawn Meats, truck operator, Ireland, 18 January 2016
  5. Roadstone Quarry, truck operator, Ireland, 26 June 2007
  6. Coca-Cola Bottlers Ireland, truck operator, Ireland, 26 August 2005
  7. McGill Environmental Systems, engine operator, Ireland, 16 January 2016
  8. Consort Motor Accessories, motor accessories, Ireland, 30 January 2009
  9. Kelly Fuels, coal and oil distributor operator, Ireland, 6 January 1998
  10. Car user #1, Ireland, 26 January 2009
  11. Car user #2, Ireland, 15 August 1998
  12. Irish Defence Forces, vehicle operator, Ireland, 1 March 2006
  13. Irish Defence Forces, vehicle operator, Ireland, 24 February 1995
  14. Irish Defence Forces, vehicle operator, Ireland, 3 October, 1998
  15. Tru-Blu Oil, vehicle operator, Australia, 11 September 2013
  16. Blue Express, vehicle operator, Chile, 29 January 2013
  17. Sealink travel group, vehicle operator, New Zealand, 15 September 2009
  18. Hooker Pacific, vehicle operator, New Zealand, 20 June 2006
  19. Peter Keogh & Sons, tractor operator, Ireland, June 2011
  20. Dr. Stephen Dooley, School of Physics, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland I December 12, 2017

Supporting References​

  1. [1] R.D. Reitz, Combust. Flame 160 (2013) 1-8 and references therein.
  2. [2] Directive 2003/30/EC.
  3. [3] Euro 4 (2005) Directive 98/69/EC & 2002/80/EC.
  4. [4] Euro 5 (2009) Directive 715/2007/EC.
  5. [5] Euro 6 (2014) Directive 459/2012/EC.
  6. [6] J. Dec, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 32 (2009) 2727-2742.
  7. [7] C. P. Fenimore, "Formation of Nitric Oxide in Premixed Hydrocarbon Flames", in 13th Symp. (Intl) on Combustion, page 373. The Combustion Institute, 1971.

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