I have an error message: “No module fitted” when I push the Satnav button. I think it could be the rechargeable battery needs replacing so I have ordered one. If this doesn’t work, what next?
Take the module out of the car and charge it via a USB Cable for a good half a day. Stick it back in the car and it will probably burst back into life. If you don't use the car regularly it will gradually discharge to the point it wont power on. It also doesn't seem to recharge in the car even if you drive around for 3 or 4 hours when it reaches a certain point - at least mine wouldn't so yours may be the same....
Well.....I tried purchasing a new battery for the unit and then (after charging it) inserted the whole unit into the SLK - same message - "no satnav module fitted". So am now trying to contact the shop, as suggested by Tony (many thanks!) but find the Harman on-line enquiry form won't accept a country, so message won't send. Will try to ring them in Germany. What a palava! Think my brains are indeed falling out!
old browsers often fight form entry - might be worth trying a different one and go slow - and make sure you allow the cookie trash, it seems particularly important for forms to operate on many sites
and these days its not just IE1, that can't cope, firefox seems far to random... I think its because lots of nasty people are trying you to let google know your every move, and thus pushing the web towards mandating the chrome trash bandwagon - MS Edge is now a chrome spyware browser
as for the original issue. I wonder what fault messages you get for
no map
hacked map
garbled firmware update
and its not helped as few long term members seem to have these devices, and they used two different partners to supply the units which I think adds to confusion in replies
Garmin Support Center United Kingdom is where you will find answers to frequently asked questions and resources to help with all of your Garmin products.
Put your location on your profile. Maybe a member on here is close to you and also uses the Becker system so you can meet and try swapsies to see whether the unit or the car/wiring is at fault?
Go to the Becker Website Here and download the Becker Map Pilot software – content manager setup.exe and see whether your PC communicates with your sat nav via the USB.
Go to Revtronic site Here and purchase their Becker Map Pilot repair service for £120 and send it off for repair with a 12 month warranty and the latest map updates. They have very good reviews. You could chance buying one off Ebay for possibly less but there are also sorts of issues buying second hand ones…
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