Just in case anyone gets one of these scam e-mails:
hi, my email got so bad i subscribed to clear my mail. it has proved to be excellent, they send an email to you asking whether you wish to accept or block either the email or the domain name. if you block the domain you stop all emails from them. after about 3 months i now only get 1 or 2 allow/deny every fortnight. it has been particularly useful with children in the house.
link below will let the company track references.
:roll: Whats he gonna do with it now then ?
There was a good letter printed in New Scientist last year, it was along the lines of:
"Having read your recent article on spam email prevention, it would appear that your correspondent has overlooked the benefits that these emails can provide. I for example have taken up every email offer I have received this year, and as a result my penis is now 9 meters long."