Body repairs in Nottingham

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Mar 31, 2002
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Unfortunately my W124 has a bit of rust round two of the wheelarches one front and one rear (now I know why you can buy stainless steel arch trims for Mercs)and a couple of other bits (damn why didn't I spot it when I bought it!).

Does anyone know a good body repairer in or around Nottingham? I'm wondering whether it is cheaper in the long run to replace the front wing which as well as having rust on the arch (right on the edge) also has rust around the side repeater? Does anyone know which is best repair or replace and if replacement is a genuine part worth the extra money. Also its a metallic (Azurite Blue) so I'm worried about getting a good match. The only place I've been to so far was very confident about me not being able to see the repair. Has anyone had this done before and what does it look like (can you see the join?). Any help much appreciated

Other than that its a wonderful car now I know why peple enthuse about Mercs they are like nothing else to drive just so comfortable and smooth. Mine is a 300D I'd love to hear from anyone else who has one of these just for pointers on looking after them.


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Apr 10, 2004
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Mansfield, Notts
Body shop & arches

Sadly my neighbour in Mansfield who was a good paintsprayer and Merc owner left the area some time ago. You really need a restorer rather than a bog-standard bodyshop, as that same sprayer would have come to me to get the welding done first!

Avoid the stainless arch trims as they trap dirt and make the rot worse.

A good restorer can cut out the rust and weld in new metal, a permanent and invisible repair (I can do that myself). It might cost more than new wings though - I do it on 60's cars where new wings cost £450 each, so the time spent is well worth it. For rear arches it's a good compromise though as rear wings are a big job to replace.
Look for classic car restorers rather than bodyshops. You'll get a better job done.
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Avantgarde Automotive, Mercedes-Benz and SLR McLaren specialists. Service, repairs, diagnosis and motorsport preparation.
Unit 14 Hither Green Trading Estate, Clevedon, Somerset, BS21 6XU Tel: 01275 217270
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