Only if you have the original code from the box they came in .... if not, they'll be clueless.Hello and welcome
Go to Mercedes and they should be able to supply a replacement. ....
OP would be better off going to ATS or a local tyre place than go to MB. ATS/similar, will likely have a box of these ... Alternatively ask them nicely and they might removed them all for you. .....
Happy days ill try this aswellOP would be better off going to ATS or a local tyre place than go to MB. ATS/similar, will likely have a box of these ...
When MB remove your wheels they don’t use your key... they use one of their adaptors... they have the full set.Only if you have the original code from the box they came in .... if not, they'll be clueless.
Merc dealer parts dept will be able to try from their master set and sell you a replacement. This may only be the start of the saga though.My locken nut key broke and it is very difficult to read the code on the box. Does anyone know what the code could possibly be for this key?