Build & Engineering Quality

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Senior Member
Jun 29, 2001
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East midlands
I consider that Autocar conducts the definitive road tests in UK.
Today I have just read their test on the new SL, which was glowing apart from a paragraph which struck home to me-"The material & build quality just isnt in the same league as the old car.Trim feels lighter & flimsier & switchgear just isnt as sturdy as you would expect from this marque.The cabin flatters with some very neat design touches but As With Every Other Recent Mercedes, the cost cutting campaign is noticeable inside.However attractive the cabin may be, it does not give the same confidence as the old car, that it will be as durable" They go on to say "but there is enough engineering quality to make you forget this very quickly"
Remember we are talking about a car that will cost about Seventy Thousand Pounds!

Hitherto durability & build quality has been legendry with Mercedes but do you owners  of recent models share the same belief?

Do you have confidence in the current engineering quality?

Do you believe that you spent your money wisely?


Neil Eglintine

Senior Member
Jun 6, 2001
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I think older MBs were over engineered. Current ones are well engineered.

The subjective difference is quite noticeable, but hard to define objectively.


Senior Member
May 28, 2001
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West Midlands

I agree with Neil, the main trouble is that all our expectations are high. We all know what the older mercs were like. The new ones ride and handle loads better. But will they last as long? This is the question. The problem is money. What 10k bought 10yrs ago isn't the same as today. 70k although a lot of money, isn't the same as 10yr ago. The price it cost to build and engineer them is greater still. Because the compettion is a lot stiffer the game is a lot harder. When you check out what MB will be rolling out in the next 3yrs or so. Its increadible and exciting times.

But they have to contend with greater & greater restrictions on emissions,service intervals. The competition getting stronger by the year. All this has to have a major effect on the "feel factor". What I mean. We all want wood. But don't want trees choped down (the envoiromentalists anyway). We all want 60mpg, but a big car that will hold all the family. The list of wants could and does go on. Every manufacturer has to make some sort of compromises. Thats what we are seeing today.
30yrs ago we would have real veneer. Now we have plastic look a like rose wood or the such. Cars have to be lighter to get past the emmisions.

Remember when the 140 was first launched. Best car in the world. But MB were slaged from pillar to post for producing such a big car while there was major problems with fuel supply. (I will admit that it wasn't the best looking car either. But still nothing could touch it).

To answer your questions Ernest. Should you have confidence in their engineering. The answer has to be YES.

Is it money well spent. Well thats subjective.

But remember. MB has always been cutting edge with all the safety items we now take for granted. ABS,ESP, etc. They then offer these safety items to other manufacturers. The five link suspension first seen on the 190, has been copied by many manufacturers.

I know that there are a lot of things we as the end users of their product consider arn't up to scratch. But the EU has a lot to say in the manufacture of motor vehicles. But when we buy their product we buy some of that cutting edge technology and the history that goes with it.

It still has to be said there is nothing like having that three pointed star at the front of the bonnet.


Andy @

PS. Lets have some more lively debate?!?!? You never know they may be watching us!!!!!!!!!!
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