When I switch on the blue P sign shows. Is this correct. It goes off when I switch off parking sensers and when I start to drive but when I slow down it comes on again. I have just got the car and cant find it in the manuel.
When you stop forward of the space & you get the arrow, select reverse & you get a message along the lines of do you want the car to park itself. Accept it via the buttons on the dash & the car will do the steering but you do the accelerator and brake. Reverse to the back of the space, select forward & then the car will steer towards the kerb. To park on the right side of the road you need to indicate right. Newer Mercs seem to be a bit cleverer & can bay park, not just parallel park.I have the P and get the arrow on mine.
Does that mean it will do the parking for me or is it just telling me that i can get the car in that space.
Never tried it only had the car 6 months lol.
Just ignore it. I rarely notice mine.Thanks. But can you switch off this system?
When you stop forward of the space & you get the arrow, select reverse & you get a message along the lines of do you want the car to park itself. Accept it via the buttons on the dash & the car will do the steering but you do the accelerator and brake.
Apologies then ..... I was describing how things worked on my 14 plate MLI don't think the active steering was available before 2014. On the w204, it's more of a guidance system. Once activated, you get an arrow showing which way to turn / move and it fills up as you reach the target angle / distance. Deviate enough and it will cancel.
I usually ignore it, but it can be useful in a very tight space.
It's also handy if you're not sure if a space is large enough to park in - if the arrow doesn't appear as you drive past, it's probably too small. The only drawback is that it only scans one side by default (passenger, I think). If you want to scan a space on the driver's side, you need to have the indicator on as you drive past.