Stu, I meant trip computer, not trip meter.Stulc said:Iv'e allway's used the trip, how do you know otherwise just how many mile's you clock up. Unless you take a reading from the speedo itself do so many mile's then fill up and it out on a calculator from that.
television said:Also sounds normal to me, it is winter, My 2.3 Volvo only returns 21 around town. 4.2 XJ6's only return 14.
television said:So its cost you £677 to have the fun and the power, coupled with safety.
angus falconer said:Malcolm, my sentiments exactly. Please don't tell anyone as my tactic is to take advantage of the irrationality of people when selecting cars on fuel consumption grounds and so making them fantasic value second hand to me. Next car will either have a V8 (E55) or V6 kompressor (C32). The next but one will have a V8 too (C55 estate please....)