Hi, I was wondering if anyone here knows if i would be able to change my key fob to the new version with the chrome trim. If i take out the circuit board from my current fob and insert it into the new version would everything still function? Thanks.
I think MB only supply the new chromed key now. I didn't specify either, and I got a chrome one. That was about 6 months ago.
Does anyone know how to open the keys to look at the gubbins inside?
I thought I would actually open my 2 up just to check and make sure 100%.
Thanks very much for both your help and patience Malcolm. However, while your instruction above works for the old style fob, it doesnt for the new chrome one.
The new chrome one has a small black plastic lip which needs to be pulled over. You cant use the key blade as its too big to fit in the gap. You have to use something smaller, like a ball point pen tip for example.
However, I do have both keys in pieces and I can confirm 1000% that the PCB is non interchangeable between the old and the new. It is a completely different size and shape. Also, the old fob has only one battery, whereas the new one has two.
So there you have it.
One further difference is that the keyblades themselves are non-interchangeable.
The blades have different shaped retaining grooves.