Can Someone help him!

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Senior Member
Jan 28, 2002
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This is for another guy,cant remember his name right now!,he put in the wrong section "feedback".

hghnrgfn[...oh, the whoa's of a novice...]
The antenna extension of my 1971 280S was broken off.  Wanting to try
and replace it, I was loosening the nut holding the antenna assembly against the front fender,
and yup, just as soon as it was loosened, the whole thing fell down into the fender well.
[where it yet remains]
1.  How do I get it out of there?
2.  Is a special MB antenna part required, or can I buy a universal extension that will repair the antenna?
3.  Are there any special tricks to replacing the original radio?  I want decently good sound quality and plan to replace the radio and speakers.  Any reason a so-called "qualified"  installer couldn't handle this?  Any
precautions I should be aware of?
Thanks very much.
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