....or set it on fire
So im the only top gear fan here then?
So im the only top gear fan here then?
I am a fan as well, Clarkson rocks......lets not forget he punched Piers Morgan!!
And what a fantastic feeling that must have been - to smack Piers Morgan.
So im the only top gear fan here then?
It would appear that the smugness is smackproof, unfortunately!
Pity the muppet got out.
Now we have another series of top gear to look forward to, full of unbelievable chases accross continents won by seconds, stage managed mishaps and jokes, the talk show and the occational 200k car thrown in.
Its called - entertainment.! And it makes people happy
Not sure about the term 'Muppet' though :cry:
Top gear was going down the pan with falling viewing figures, the changes have brought it back to popular viewing figures and its not gonna go anywhere for a while, whatever people say about it, if it had stayed the same it would have been gone by now, theres always Fith gear if you want more car "facts" (yaaaaaawn)
Either im too cynical or your easily amused
With the unbelievable chases and stage managed mishaps and jokes top gear attempts to insult my intelligence too much for it to be enjoyable, not to mention the other points that i dislike about this apparent motoring show.