I've had a split boost pipe which has now been fixed. When I picked the car up the yellow engine management light was on. The garage read the code (DPF early stages of being blocked) reset it and said to give it a good drive down a motorway which I did (for 20min at around 3000rpm). After that I drove a further 20min on smaller roads. Turned the engine off, went off for a bit and when I turned the engine on the light was back on. As I understand it won't do a regen if the fill is too much so it looks like a need a forced regen. Anyway I'm trying to do it with a icarsoft MB v. 2.0 and it hasn't got my car listed. It's a 65plate V220d, oem651 engine. The engine is Used in both c and e class so I'm wondering if it's possible to select one of them to force a regen or not? Will I have to take the plunge and do it through a dealer?
Many thanks
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I've had a split boost pipe which has now been fixed. When I picked the car up the yellow engine management light was on. The garage read the code (DPF early stages of being blocked) reset it and said to give it a good drive down a motorway which I did (for 20min at around 3000rpm). After that I drove a further 20min on smaller roads. Turned the engine off, went off for a bit and when I turned the engine on the light was back on. As I understand it won't do a regen if the fill is too much so it looks like a need a forced regen. Anyway I'm trying to do it with a icarsoft MB v. 2.0 and it hasn't got my car listed. It's a 65plate V220d, oem651 engine. The engine is Used in both c and e class so I'm wondering if it's possible to select one of them to force a regen or not? Will I have to take the plunge and do it through a dealer?
Many thanks
Sent from my VOG-L09 using Tapatalk