Dripping hard tops


Senior Member
Apr 26, 2007
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Good morning all...
Any advice on this would be gratefully received, as I have done a search, and didnt find much.
I have drips onto both front seats from roof at front/top edges of both windows. ( Its not from centre position above windscreen, unless of course its running around)
I noticed somewhere about this being a recognised item that MB used to rectify, and I phoned local dealer who luckily was around at that time and remembers working in service when a few came in. He said it was quite a a large job, with the the hard top in some sort of jig.
The seal that he thinks would fix the problem is one large u shaped piece which runs the entire length, its not in stock anywhere in the country is is listed at £326 plus VAT, if thet can get it, but it sounds like its not something I could just snap in !
I would love to hear any ideas or experiences as its quite a considerable ammount of water, and Im not sure what the best thing to do is ?:(:

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