Have just spoke to the body shop repairing my merc (was reversed into by 4x4, £4k worth of damage to front of my vehicle.
Amongst the list of parts being replaced or fixed is the cross memeber. I'm not an expert at all but I do know that the cross member is a very essential part of the chassis. They said it was slightly bent and have straightened it.
Question. Is the cross member attached to the chassis on an E240 estate or is it seperate, can it be replaced?
Does anyone have any advise on this matter? If it's attached then I would have thought the insurance company would write it off.
Have just spoke to the body shop repairing my merc (was reversed into by 4x4, £4k worth of damage to front of my vehicle.
Amongst the list of parts being replaced or fixed is the cross memeber. I'm not an expert at all but I do know that the cross member is a very essential part of the chassis. They said it was slightly bent and have straightened it.
Question. Is the cross member attached to the chassis on an E240 estate or is it seperate, can it be replaced?
Does anyone have any advise on this matter? If it's attached then I would have thought the insurance company would write it off.