E220 Coupe probs. Andy?

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Jun 3, 2004
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Hello all,
Been reading the fourms for a while now, huge amounts of info/tips!

I have a few probs with the Merc we bought about 4 weeks ago.
96 E220 Coupe, about 68k on the clock.

Apologies for the length of the post, I went a bit mad on the descriptions :)
but if anyone has any answers, I'd be gratefull.

Water under front mats
Just after we bought the car, I lifted up the carpeting in the front foot wells.
Discovered that the foam was soaked though, must have been like that for a while as the body of the car has minor rust spots where the soaked foam was sitting.
So I dried them out and dried the body.
Its been fine for the past 3 weeks, but today the foam is starting to get wet again?

Some of the posts on the forum suggested that it might be the vents under the hood, but these appear to be ok. Not blocked etc.
I removed the passenger airbag, all seems dry back there.
Any ideas of what could be causing it ?

Window has the silver "Fitted with approved Mercedes Benz Alarm" sticker.
Car is fitted with the Infrared central locking system. (switch blade key) green & red light/ receivers on drivers door
and boot.
On the dash beside the light switches. There is a red LED and what once was a pushbutton switch. (the push button part is missing)
No control unit under the metal foot plate on the passenger side. However there is a control unit under the dash on the drivers side, which the Red LED is connected to. (its Stamped "Mercedes Benz"
ON each of the windscreen pillars there are old type boxed shaped ultrasonics, passenger side has a red LED which flashes as the detectors sense movement.

I'm assuming the car is fitted with the rebadged Scorpion alarm.?

First problem is that the siren seems to be dead, as you can set the alarm off without the siren sounding (indicators blink etc, so the alarm has been activated)

It also seems to be fitted with an immobiliser, that seems to be tied into the alarm.
However its behaviour is a nuisance:
You open the car with the infrared button, indicators flash, red LED on dash goes out, you then have about 30secs to put the key in the ignition and start the car, otherwise after 30secs the indicators flash again and the red LED comes on.
Car will not start, also the red LED on the ultrasonic sensor will flash as you move in the car, suggesting that it also activates part of the alarm? The problem is that if you are in the driving in the car, and you stop (turning the car off) after about 1min the indicators will flash , red LED's etc, and the car will not start until you get out and lock/unlock the car. Is this normal? is there anyway to even adjust the timer?
We will probably just get it replaced with a proper alarm/immobiliser that will work with the existing key.
Is it possible to bypass the immobiliser?

Whine going up the gears.
We have noticed that as you are driving there is noticeable whine as the engine speed is rising, before it changes up a gear.
Example: You pull off in first, low pitched whine is heard which gradually increases in pitch until the auto box changes to second, at which point the whine is back at low pitch going up to high until 3rd gear , etc.
Any ideas? we had a 94 E220 (124) before this which didn't do this.

Any thoughts?
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