E220d 5g 722.6 strange Torque Converter Lockup issue


New Member
Mar 24, 2024
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Your Mercedes
W211 e220 2008
When the engine coolant temp is between 50 and 80 degrees Celsius, the Torque Converter is stuck closed and it vibrates violently when coming to a full stop and switches to open.
Outside that coolant temperature range, it works flawlessly. Transmission oil temp doesn't affect it

I've replaced the TC, the TC Solenoid, Transmission Module, with no luck.

When I reset adaptations it works fine for a couple of days, then it appears again.

This is so frustrating since there are no error codes and is driving me insane.

WE HAVE NOW MOVED: 8 Hazel Road, Woolston, SO19 7GB
Service, Repairs and remapping service
Any queries, please do not hesitate to contactEmail@mbsofsouthampton.co.ukor alternatively you can phone Colin or Dave on 02380 445820, out of hours numbers are 07787913313 or 07907631681.
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