E280 relay


New Member
Apr 4, 2003
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Oxford and Newbury
My 1994 E280 saloon has an irritating electrical fault. When running warm, the indicators, hazard lights, intermittent wipe and rear windscreen heater all pack up. If the rear screen or the intermittment wipe is kept going from cold, the failure does not occur. I suspect a relay. Any ideas. I note with some shame that I last visited this site in April 2003, when I was trying to work out why a new engine from Crewe was missing and faltering. It turned out that the meltdown which necessitated the new engine had wrecked the wiring loom over the engine. I also note dire warnings about converting to lpg - so far, it has been nothing but a joy. What a lovely car.


New Member
Feb 4, 2005
Reaction score
E380Relay problem

Sounds verey much like the Multifunction relay
Which controls the Indicator lamps,Hazard Lamps,Heated Rear Window,
Wiper Motor and Alarm System.
The Relay is mounted under the bonnet on the O/S near the bulk head along with the other relays there are 3 rows of relays and it shoud be in the centre
row if un sure try pulling the relays one at a time to locate it
hope this helps


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