I have an N reg E300 Diesel. Every so often, if the cruise control is on, the engine will cut out, and I have to pull over and re-start, which it always does fine. I believe that this is happening when it's trying to alert me to a defective bulb but for some reason the software decides to kill everything.
No problems when it's not on cruise.
Can anyone *please* shed any light on this? it tends to undermine my confidence in what is otherwise a very lovely car!
I have an N reg E300 Diesel. Every so often, if the cruise control is on, the engine will cut out, and I have to pull over and re-start, which it always does fine. I believe that this is happening when it's trying to alert me to a defective bulb but for some reason the software decides to kill everything.
No problems when it's not on cruise.
Can anyone *please* shed any light on this? it tends to undermine my confidence in what is otherwise a very lovely car!