E350 2010 Display not working


New Member
Dec 13, 2021
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Your Mercedes
E350 2010 CDI sport 7G tronic
Hello guys I'm new here, I bought my first Mercedes and I got e350 CDI 2010 (62k on the clock miles).

However I have small issue with it the display it's not working (before owner decide it to put aftermarket GPS in that spot) I bought original display from eBay the first one didn't work I got myself a second one (with warranty) still nothing when I connected the computer to check what's going on it's says:

Display interface: 953D Low Voltage.

Any help will be appreciated, I already check all the fuses I wonder maybe someone had this problem before me.


New Member
Dec 13, 2021
Reaction score
Your Mercedes
E350 2010 CDI sport 7G tronic
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Hello guys I'm new here, I bought my first Mercedes and I got e350 CDI 2010 (62k on the clock miles).

However I have small issue with it the display it's not working (before owner decide it to put aftermarket GPS in that spot) I bought original display from eBay the first one didn't work I got myself a second one (with warranty) still nothing when I connected the computer to check what's going on it's says:

Display interface: 953D Low Voltage.

Any help will be appreciated, I already check all the fuses I wonder maybe someone had this problem before me.


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