Electrical problems Alarm/Wipers 300ce


New Member
Jun 3, 2007
Reaction score
('91 300ce W124)

I've had my car for a few months now and everything seems to be working well except a couple "annoying" electrical problems.
The most annoying is my alarm central locking, every now and again when I lock or unlock the car using the key fob (its an original MB alarm) the drivers side indicator light will stay on and to get it off I will have to repeatably lock and unlock until it turns off (or I disconnect the battery, but that's usually the last resort!)
The other issue is also intermittent, when I select the slowest setting on the wiper (the one that goes every 8 seconds or so, I can't remember what its called!) it doesn't always work, sometimes fine sometimes not at all.
Also some of the interior lights don't work every now and again when I have the lights on, I don't know if this could be related.
With my limited knowledge I assumed it could either be a relay problem or a bad ground contact. I had a quick look at the relays but the looked in good condition, and could only find a couple of ground points and cleaned them, but no change.
Sorry for the long message, but they are just niggily things that I would like to get sorted.

Oh! and another thing I don't think the cruise control works at all, are there any commonly known problems with these?

Thanks for your help


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