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Oct 10, 2002
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I see that someone has already asked the question about if there is an
exhaust system that could be fitted to a V8 to give the car a little more growl akin to a US V8 engine. I know that it must be anathema for anyone to talk about noise with an MB (against the whole principle of quiet driving)but frankly when a Car is in its advanced years as is my own I am not concerned with performance rather than just a little fun that a throaty growl could give. I assume that American v8s with growl owe it to a larger bore tube in the main? I don't want it to sound like a Mongoose on an Astra but just give that rolling tone that is so nice in the old 427cu inches American Cars of the 60's +
Only enquiring as I think my front tubes are beginning to blow and will prefer to replace the whole system rather than a piece at a time.
So.... anybody experimented? and at what cost?


You could try these people,I know various people who have used them for thier exhaust needs even on merc cars with good results and they come relativly cheap. http://www.powerflow.uk.com/



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Cheers Pluggers , just sent them an email for my 350sl.


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Had a better look at the state of play of my Exhaust and got a handle on what the system involves. See that backaward of the centrebox everything looks pretty good. Only down pipes corroded to B.....y.
so, have contacted PD Gough who advertise in the magazine and asked them to quote me for S/S downpipes and straight through tubes to
intermediate boxes, disposing of centrebox. As there is still a backbox to go through as well as the intermediate boxes, hoping that the new system could give me a little more of that V8 rumble in tick over mode and yet, not give me a headache when on the road. I don't give a four ex about performance - whats the point when we are all restricted to 70mph and on most roads 30MPh ( Or is Essex the only County to have the blight of unlimited speed restrictions that consigns motorist to
the pace of a snail.
Anyway, asked Goughs for their advice as to if the straight through will affect (damage) the intermediate boxes which turn the flow to a 90 degree angle to the pipes. Await their reply and a price for the goodies. Anyone any experience with cutting out the first box?I know I'm a philistine, but whats the point in having a nice looking beast but with no growl? Anyway, my poor old SEC has done 213K and is in its dotage, as is its owner.


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Looking for the very same for my 350 Stuart but I will wait until my 560sec exhaust packs in to try the same trick on that. Am interested to know how you get on.


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I'll let you know what the damage will be Mike when I get a quote tomorrow..
Gough say on their website that everything is laser accuracy. In fact the pipe extensions from the downpipe joints will literally be an arc and a straight section of (five?) foot rather than an arc, a hill to the centrebox and a downhill to the intermediate box joints (if this makes sense) So the flow will be beautifully straight and should give good resonance (if thats the correct word) and may even theoretically give an improvement in performance. The key to the thing will be ensuring that they get the downpipes accurate and the length from the downpipes to the joint (flange) just before the intermediate boxes.
If I go for it I will get a local guy to assemble as I am a long way from Nottingham and thethought of driving with a blower "just aint on"!


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Done my research on situation. GFS don't stock any d/pipes for the SECs
anymore. Euro Car Parts quote £62.50 + VAT each, but they are not MB pipes, but Timex. Don't want to touch anything thats not o/e or laser produced as I recall difficulty fitting when I had downpipes for my old 230TE some years back. Also, they did not last more than 18 months. I do live on the Sea front and so any vehicle has to expect salt spray washes each winter.
Tried Lancaster for MB parts. D/pipes nearside £126.36 and offside £142.32 inc. Or two together £241.82 inclusive. Mild steel of course.
Got a fixed price for S/S d/pipes from an alternative source which was almost double MB parts cost. However as I am ordering a section of pipes (without box) which will go from D/pipes direct to Butterfly boxes (M/f connector) was able to negotiate what I regard as a reasonable deal, so order placed.
Hope to be able to fit in two weeks time. will let you know if I've made a blunder or given the old classic a bit more street cred. (When will I grow up!)
I will keep the centrebox section just in case it has to go back on


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Apr 25, 2003
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Sorry for the late reply on this, but I modified my 500SEC 'AMG' exhaust to produce a better rumble. I now sounds almost identical to a current SL55 AMG.

Here's what I done...

Replaced the entire exhuast from downpipes to rear using Stainless steel tailor made fitting. Removed the centre butterfly boxes and fitted straight-through bullet resonators, again made from stainless. Then SS pipes all the way to the rear Remus muffler, which was made for the SEC. It's a twin square exit on that box.

The Remus rear box has a BEAUTFIUL rumble and the straight-thru' resonators in the centre add to that sound. The rumble is jsut perfect - it's not boy-racer loud and ear-polluting - basically listenm to a current SL55 AMG and mine sounds the same.

The Remus rear-box is no longer in production - I got it five years ago for 270gbp. The stainless steel fitment from front to rear Remus box with SS centre bullet resonators cost me approx. 450gbp.

The MB centre butterfly resonators are not great - they are mild steel AND moreover they restrict flow with their four 90deg pipe inlets and outlets. The bullet resonators open up the flow big time and look great too. Although they do require proper fitment in order to sit right and secure.

Places which offer custom fitment usually offer a choice of sound with their boxes they fit. Mid tone is usually the one to go for. Low will be the same as the stock and High will be boy-racer loud.

Good luck


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Dear Talbir, I have to say I was almost hesitant in going ahead not having heard from you. I bow to your understanding and commitment to the marque and its improvement. Forgive me if i wax lyrical but my wife has just returned from Lake Como and I have devoured most of a bottle of Sassella 2001 Valtellina Superiore which I must say is the first decent bottle of Italian wine I think I have tasted in my life!
So, I have gone part of the way to pehaps a better tone at a time when expense was a necessity. Price wise well things move on in five years so I am happy to make modest changes and hope to find modest results.
GBP 640. I can perhaps (don't tell vatman, lose the vat via my business)
Suspect you will have made one or two readers curious and keen to experiment next time their d/p's start to blow!
ps My only experience with exhaust tones is with a Riley Lynx which I sold last year on e-bay having owned it since the 60's and which had a tenfoot straight Brass pipe, one and a half inch thick direct onto the straight through exhaust. It was only 9HP but when coasting down Telegraph Hill the Car sounded like a Prop Plane and in retard ignition used to backfire sending flames into the night sky. A real head turner! Having no liking for Engineering after keping the car on blocks for 38 years I sold it last year basically as a bag of parts the engine having had a meltdown when the oil pump sheared its pin on the concentrics. Previously Robin Richards a well known Rally Driver did an engine rebuild for £97.10.00. todays price £5K.
An enthusiast will be rebuilding a car that I was driven around in when I was 7 years old, by my Father.


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Sorry its taking so long to report back.
My mechanic fled to Canada for three weeks and I was not totally happy with what I received from the maker - Adjustments have been made and hopefully this coming week the parts will be fitted and the verdict announced.


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Whats the verdict you ask?

More trouble than it was worth I think is the answer.
I bought the Stainless steel downpipes and pipes which went straight to the two Butterfly boxes omiting the integral silencer box. I had hopes that a little of that V8 rumble might give me a buzz when in tickover mode.

My Mechanic called me to inspect a couple of problems when the car was on the ramp. Firstly, He pointed out that the maker had not added a flange connector on the nearside pipe that connected to the butterfly box. One is flanged the other is male/female connection. Secondly he showed me a cut out section in the Drivers side downpipe which I had not even noticed when I put the pipes in the boot. I was mortified to see what had been done, thinking that such a piece of engineering would throw the engine balance completely. So, the pipes were consigned back to Nottingham at a cost to me of £14.10.

I wrote to the maker and suggested that the pipe should have been squeezed prior to welding at the point where it passed close to the transmission but was told that the cut out section was quite common and that this is how they do it on Ferrari's etc, etc.. Not feeling I was getting anywhere, I did insist on them cutting a further section out so that the flow of gases would not hit directly onto a 90 degree plate but would be angled to flow into the reduced bore pipe.
See the before and after pictures of all of this.

Anyway, even when the pipes were returned my mechanic had difficulty fitting them. One of them he said was too long. Also, they had made a male/female connection at the bottom end of the downpipe each side instead of a flanged joint as is standard. There has been an amount of hammering which I prefer not to even think about and regret looking under the car!

That said, what is the sound like you ask?? Well, there is no difference to what the Car sounded like with the standard system in place. There may be a tad more response to the right foot and at 85 mph the car is extremely quiet. Have not tested yet on a really long run.
As long as the S/S is going to last (it is guaranteed for life by the maker - though I have my doubts that this would prove enforceable if the hammer marks are seen) then being on the Sea front may save me a few bob in a couple of years time.

No, I don't think I'd recommend anyone to go there if thinking of modifications. Perhaps a Mongoose repalcement backbox would have been the answer (I joke)!


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Sorry to here that Stuart, might try a couple of cherry bombs on my 560 when the rear silencer packs in, which is quiet soon I fear. Not looking for boy racer racket just a more audable V8 burble. Well it should last being SS.


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Be most interested to hear how you get on if you do make the change to your end box Mike.
Sorry I have not been able to load the photos - tried several times but get the message that "could not connect to my FTP Server - check settings". Have to ask the offspring what that is all about and hopefully get them up in a day or so.
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