I've got a recurring issue which is driving me nuts with a current leak somewhere intermittently draining the car battery. Basically, I believe the normal current drain when the car is sitting locked and alarmed is in the region of 100mA? As far as I can measure mine is closer to 300mA (placing my multimeter between the battery positive terminal and the clamp) so if I leave the car sitting for a week or so the chances are it ain't gonna start, particularly in cold weather. With a handy 5 pound fuse adapter for my multimeter (from Maplin) I've measured all the circuits in the front and rear fuse box. All looks good apart from fuse 41 in the front and fuse 3,5 and 7 in the rear. 41 in the front has a 100-150mA drain. 3, 5 and 7 in the rear are all round 5-70 mA. Has anyone had a similar problem or any thoughts of what the problem could be?