hello I own a c class 2.2 petrol year 1994, lately a strange noise is coming from the front suspension. It sound like a squeek, like something that lacks lubrication. I have gone under the car to see if the front rubber buskes are ok. i have put silicone spray all over them to help lubrication, but still the noise is there. The strange thing is that is does not do it alway, mostly when it is warm weather. it is driving me crasy. for example you hear the noise when you break and the car put the weight transfer to the front, when you lift the car and the suspension is release from weight you hear this strange noise too. Please can anyone help it is driving me crasy, it comes from the left side. I am in Poland so the car is left hand drive. I am not Polish so it is hell to find someone here to help you. please contact me ipgalea@yahoo.com i be very very greatfull