I bought the above car about 8 weeks ago second hand . The car started its life in July 2003 so its still fairly new. I am very happy with it, however, during the first days I experienced a problem with the first gear of its manual gearbox. :cry: I hoped this would go away, as I blamed myself first (being German, I was used to left hand drives, and I had to get adjusted to changing gear with my left hand and still prefer changing gear manually, so I did not want an auto option).
Problem is, when I engage the first gear, quite often it snaps out thus not really putting any trust in the car when I want to pull away.... This is might be that I put the gear in whilst still rolling, but I am not sure.
Has anyone experienced the same problem in this forum? Did Merc fix the problem under warranty?
Thanks for any replies,
I bought the above car about 8 weeks ago second hand . The car started its life in July 2003 so its still fairly new. I am very happy with it, however, during the first days I experienced a problem with the first gear of its manual gearbox. :cry: I hoped this would go away, as I blamed myself first (being German, I was used to left hand drives, and I had to get adjusted to changing gear with my left hand and still prefer changing gear manually, so I did not want an auto option).
Problem is, when I engage the first gear, quite often it snaps out thus not really putting any trust in the car when I want to pull away.... This is might be that I put the gear in whilst still rolling, but I am not sure.
Has anyone experienced the same problem in this forum? Did Merc fix the problem under warranty?
Thanks for any replies,