Goodyear Eagle F1's GS-D3's made in China!!!


Senior Member
Nov 30, 2004
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I have found that of my 4 brand new tyres, 2 are made in Germany and 2 are made in China. Reading all of the posts on the various forums about this problem, it appears that Goodyear HAVE finally admitted that the compound on the China made versions is different to the German made version.

However, a trip to my friendly dealer (Selecta Tyre in Loughborough) revealed that the manager knew of no reported problems with the GS-D3's and said that as he purchased the tyres directly from Goodyear my arguement is with them. Once I explained to him that my "contract" was with his company NOT Goodyear direct and that he would need to sign a waiver before I left the premises stating that if I suffer any injury or permanent damage, or worst case die as a result of inadequate tyres that he supplied, then I would hold him personnally responsible!! After he finished squirming, he then told me that he could not sign or do anything until he has spoken with his MD on Tuesday.

I'll keep you posted. I will not be happy until I have 4 German made tyres on my car as all of the test reports and ratings were based on the German made tyre not these Asian import "fakes" that people keep trying to pass off as the real thing.

Has anyone else had any success?

I have also send a letter to BBC watchdog in the hope they will expose Goodyear's shocking lack of action and denial on this issue.


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Nov 30, 2004
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An update - Good News at Last!!

Well after speaking with the managing director of the tyre company I purchased my tyres from and the technical advisor @ Goodyear, it now transpires that there IS a clear difference between the construction of the tyres manufactured in China and the ones manufactured in Germany. I asked the Goodyear "technical advisor" (and I use that term very loosely), why the construction of the tyres changed when they transferred production from Germany to China and the answer was "I don't know!!". But as everyone knows all of the initial testing and accolades the GS-D3 achieved were based on tyres manufactured in Germany NOT China. Going forward as all of the moulds have been transferred to China, all GS-D3's you receive now will be Chinese made unless there are a few German made ones still in stock.

My advice to anyone is AVOID THESE ASIAN imitations like the plague. Despite Goodyear telling some people that the tyres are the same and that they are still GS-D3's they have not been very forthcoming with the truth and there are a lot of disgruntled customers out there who have flatly refused to fit or use the Chinese versions.

Anyway, on a happy note (and the fact that I threatened to sue the managing director of the tyte firm if he didn't provide me with a statement stating that if I have an accident whereby the fault is a result of the GS-D3's, then he would be personnel liable) I have now been told that I can have 4 brand new Eagle F1 Aysmmetric tyres free of charge, which to be honest don't look as good as the GS-D3's tread pattern, but initial tests show them to perform better, have improved grip, are quieter and have better distribution of pressure/ grip across the tyre - so I'm in a much better mood!!

My advice is persevere - don't accept second best and know your rights!!

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