Headlamps W124- Glass removal

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Senior Member
Apr 3, 2003
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Berkshire, UK
Your Mercedes
1995 E320T, S124, W124, Sportline
GSF list he glass as a separate item:


My question is: How do you remove the glass lens?

The light output is shameful, and the reflector looks in good condition, could it be the shroud for the bulb that throws the light from the bulb, back in to the reflector is tarnished?

Past experience tells me that uprated blue bulbs do not help much.




Senior Member
May 15, 2002
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Your Mercedes
W204 C200cdi estate
I did this on my last 190e and assuming its the same ?? Most of the screws holding the unit in place are obvious but there was a hidden screw/adjuster under neath which was difficult due to corrosion etc. once out its fairly simple . there is a plastic/metal rim around the edge of the glass. just release the clips and glass will come out. check the seal round the front of the reflector. If ok then place new glass in place and replace clip. Merc price was reasonably comparable to after market back then and has all the right lettering etc if your interested in originality. On your other post outside temp gauge. Sensor is located behind front number plate and runs back junction beside fuse box. relatively easy to replace but not cheap. Temperature display( there are 2 types so get the right one ) requires instrument console out I think and is also pricy. If you have no readout at all then display unit is probably at fault but electronics!!!!!! who knows.
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