If its the same as the W124 then its held inplace by a spring and a pin through the bottom of it. Never changed one myself but as I understand it its quite an easy job. Im sure theres someonehere that has changed one and willpost a step by step for you.
With a pair of pliers or pipegrips, grip the cap under the spring and pull down against the spring pressure (quite strong), turn anti-clockwise about 90 degrees and it should lock-in to a pair of grooves which will hold it there. Lift out the badge from the top. Replacement is simple reversal.
AS outlined above its a simple enough job. Turn the retaining clip 90 deg and the bonnet star will just lift out. Drop in the new one and twist the retainer clip the other way and off you go!
BTW, go a buy a new one and open up the box and you will see how it works.
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