How much a litre?
thats coz they known for not wanting to spend moneyNo issues back in West Yorkshire, filled up this moaning after my trip south. Costco in Oldham was busy when I drove past earlier
Oh what a surprise eh! Same idiots rushing out and panic buying adding a problem that is not there,in fact do the UK import any oil from Russia??if not then whats with the rushing out and panic buy? ...honestly i really do worry about the mentality of these muppets out there!
I'm unlucky out here in Norfolk then, they seemed have have gone nuts for Fuel. We're living up to the Norfolk stereotype of being a bit dim sadly...
I'll just do what I did past time and keep checking daily until somewhere has some. The Diesel I have will last until Thursday I think. Lindsey's car is full and should last her a couple of weeks.
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