if at first you don't succeed......

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Peter 300TE

Senior Member
Mar 29, 2003
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.......try try again. (leaks and groans and aaaaaaaargh)

The old water pump is now off. I tried to buy the snap-on tool in Oxford but with no luck. However a local MDC sold me their cheap and nasty rival for £4.99 and it did the job on the rear bottom bolt. Top bolt under the inlet mainfold came off with a 1/4" drive extension and a wobble 13mm socket.

Moral of the story, yes Mr Moakes, the satisfaction was immense when it eventually came off.

Many thanks for comments in previous threads and very useful suggestions.

Now, anyone fancy putting it all back togeather for me! :D

Orlando 300E

Senior Member
Feb 12, 2003
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Well Done!
The understated words of Mr. Haynes are appropriate now- "reassembly is reversal of removal" :wink: .
I?m glad you stuck it out. Hope your wife appreciates your efforts :D .

Richard Moakes

Senior Member
May 19, 2002
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Newton Abbot, Devon, UK
Your Mercedes
CL500; ML500
Excellent, sounds like you have got it cracked. :lol:

Opinion is divided on what to do when putting the pump back on the car, I used a bit of Hermetite golden on the big 'O' ring, mainly to hold it in place as I was offering it back up the engine. I read numerous articles saying not to do this, but I am set in my ways, and know that Hermetite is good stuff!

I installed a new thermostat and rubber gasket, I was horrified to find that it leaked between the gap between pump and the upper cover. Again I used some bodgers friend, namely blue Hylomar, and it worked like a treat, just cut the excess off when it has dried.

If you replace the bolts holding down the thermostat with non-genuine, try using a bit of copper grease or some other anti corrosion compound on the threads. I used stainless, until some said, you do realise stainless and aluminium will react and corrode :shock: So now I have some special marine anti corrosion stuff on the threads.

Make sure you bleed the cylinder head when you fill the system, not sure where the plug is on 24V engines, but it is right front for the 12V.

Be careful with the tensioner, make sure you reset the pointer before starting to tighten it all up.

Best of luck,


1989 W124 300E
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