the indicators on my 1998 W210 E320 saloon just stopped working today. they were working, i changed the air filter, and now they dont work.
I can't see any connection between the two, so i'll assume there isn't.
However what is very weird, is the hazards still work, so it cant be a fuse or the bulbs ? can it?
maybe its the stalk on the steering wheel, but the wash/wipes etc all work still.
the indicators on my 1998 W210 E320 saloon just stopped working today. they were working, i changed the air filter, and now they dont work.
I can't see any connection between the two, so i'll assume there isn't.
However what is very weird, is the hazards still work, so it cant be a fuse or the bulbs ? can it?
maybe its the stalk on the steering wheel, but the wash/wipes etc all work still.