Job's Worth. - Why are they like this??

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dave elcome

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Aug 12, 2001
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Maidstone kent
I have just returned home from my nearest dealer, Medway Mercedes, and have found myself very frustrated. It is not my way to "name and shame", but on this occasion i am going to.

I went over there to order a new ignition barrel, keyed to my original key,  as the existing one is sometimes a bit sticky, and bearing in mind Andy's warnings on this part in the past, i decided to nip it in the bug before disaster struck.

So off i went to the dealer, armed with the knowledge that they would need ID as i had had a new barrel for my previous W124.

At the parts counter i am confronted with said "job's worth", who knows me!! i told him that i needed to order a new ignition barrel, and without prompting i gave him my chassis number, insurance certificate with reg number on it, picture type driving licence, and my Police warrant card, this as well as the vehicle being parked right outside the building with my wife in it.

His answer, "i need to see the log book", no amount of negotiating, pleeding, or general appeals to his common sense would budge him from this stance.

Now i ask you, would i reallly have gone there in a car registered to me, given him MY chassis number, and every personal detail that i posses, just in order to obtain an original lock barrel for MY car, only to fit it to someone else's car, in order to steal it?? WHAT PLANET DO THESE PEOPLE COME FROM??

As i have previously said, this guy at the parts counter knows me, my details are with the service department, as the car had some warranty work done by them only a few months ago. (This was another story of ineptitude that i could bore you for hours over).

The real pity hear is that they are now my nearest dealers, as the one in Maidstone that had been a Merc dealers since i was a child is now Mazda, and the outfit that has taken over from them does not stock anything.

The end result to this sorry saga, i walked out in disgust at "job's worths" total intransigence, and will NEVER deal with these morons again.


Sep 19, 2001
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Job's Worth.

I think the point here is the "Jobs Worth" is right, if he was to sell you the lock without the relevent paper work & the parts do end up in the wrong hands or your car is stolen you would very quickly be blaming MR Jobsworth.

You as a Policeman should know better than most that systems & procedures (no matter how silly) are put in place to protect all concerned.

Why not just go back with the log book & order the part.

dave elcome

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Job's Worth.

Your are right, sometimes procedures can seem tedious, i have first hand knowledge of that. But the point you are missing, as i mentioned twice, The guy knows me!!


Oct 28, 2002
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Job's Worth.

Afraid I side with BJ here.  Rules is rules, and as an upholder/enforcer/maniplulator of rules I would have thought you would understand this!

If you nicked someone you knew (at the usual 33 in a 30 limit) and he didn't have his driving licence on him but did have his insurance, would you still give him an HORT1??  If 'yes' then you are as guilty as this guy, If 'no' you would be another copper that bends the rules!!

I've just sold a BMW 330d. The guys at the BMW garage know me well, and don't know I sold the car yesterday - using your 'but he knows me' arguement, I could go and get a new key, locking wheel nut adapter, alsorts for a car that is no longer mine!!


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Jun 10, 2002
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Job's Worth.

Having obtained spare keys etc in the past, it seems that a log-book is necessary, beacuse a photocopy has to be sent from the dealer to MB in order to obtain the keys according to the number. My dealer has known me for over 20 years, but I still need to bring the required paperwork.

Nowadays, especially that the keys are the only real way to drive off with (steal) a car, I personally am glad of the extra security checks to order new locks and keys.

(Edited by Arnie at 4:01 pm on Nov. 1, 2002)


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Aug 29, 2002
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Portsmouth UK
Job's Worth.

Hi Dave

I bet you feel a lot better for having 'vented your spleen' - isn't this forum great!

It seems as though the jury is against you on this one though, and I figure after time has passed you will reflect differently.

Please please tell us about the warranty work SNAFU.

By the way, I have heeded the advice too and ordered a new barrel (matched to current key) from stealership here in Portsmouth - I am now into week 6 and still waiting!! (Really glad I have carried out a pre-emptive strike - just hope it arrives before it aint pre-emptive).

On a similar vein to the thread you started here David but not about cars (What planet et al......) I was in Waitrose the other weekend with she who must be obeyed and at the checkout the nice young girl, as she neared the end of the conveyor belt of goods we had deposited, - picked up a cabbage and said to my wife - 'Is this a cauliflower or a cabbage?' - ROFLFHO!!

Get back to the dealer Dave with your reg document - and get the barrel ordered!



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Jun 29, 2001
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East midlands
Job's Worth.

        I understand that it is necessary to send off a copy of the log book to validate issue of the barrel.
The storeman should have explained this to you.I suspect that he doesnt like members of your profession.
Order your barrel/parts from another dealer & you may find them to be much more helpful! I did & they were.

Ernest Sidesman.

dave elcome

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There are a couple of points worth noting here as a result of the replies to my original post.

1 Norman, you are dead right, i felt much better after i had had a rant on here, but i hope that i don't suffer the same delay that your are experiencing, (i didn't the last time i had to order a barrel).

2 Ernest, you are right as usual, when i went to a different dealers this afternoon, the guy could not have been more helpful or courteous, he went to great pains to explain the new procedures that MB now insist on when ordering this type of part. If only the "job's worth" had bothered, instead of mithering on in his mono-syballic tone about the need for the log book.

3 Gary430, i'm not going to dignify your post with a response.


Senior Member
Dec 20, 2001
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Your Mercedes
Job's Worth.

Why does www.***** get blocked and BMW is allowed to stay?

Sorry for the profanity ... :)

(Edited by fuzzer at 2:58 pm on Nov. 2, 2002)


Oct 28, 2002
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Job's Worth.

Gary430, i'm not going to dignify your post with a response.

Why? too close to the bone?

Common courtesy doesn't cost anything - shame most of your colleagues don't realise this!


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May 16, 2002
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1999 SL500
Job's Worth.

type MBCLUB in uppercase then and it doesnt get blocked  ;)


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May 28, 2001
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West Midlands
Job's Worth.

Hi All,

As far as I am aware to order a barrel to chassis number does NOT need a production of a log book. Where as a KEY DOES.

You could steal somebody's car with a key obviously. But what you going to do with the barrel.

Dosn't make sense.

But my dealers will insist on a log book for keys. But not for barrels.

Sorry you southerners tend to have "caravaners" working in the parts dept. This in my opinion can only be the reason for such a jobsworth attitude.

Yours as always

Andy @

PS. Mb are funny about barrels. Sometimes there here within a weak. And sometimes they take forever. Just keep giving em grief. You will get what you want sooner or later!


Senior Member
Aug 29, 2002
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Portsmouth UK
Job's Worth.

It's a funny old game being a punter.

David thinks they are 'jobs worth', I have just realised that stealers are actually great sportsmen, unfortunately the punter is the ball!

I popped into the stealership during my lunch break to see if my new barrel had turned up (Ordered 22 Sep), not only had it not turned up - IT HAD NEVER EVEN BEEN ORDERED!!! - which is a ****** good reason for the delay.

You see when I was phoning every week, speaking to the 'Sporting Parts Man' I was only asking if my ignition barrel had turned up - WHEN I should have asked 'ARE YOU SURE YOU HAVE PLACED THE ORDER'.

The saving grace today, was that I was armed with Reg Doc/Driving Licence/Utility Bills (Still in briefcase from last order debacle) so no problem ordering a new barrel - WRONG - MB have changed their routine - you now need a passport!

This is no joke - the 'Farting Smart Pan' placed the order on the understanding that once the barrel turns up - I can only get my hands on it on production of my passport.

I am quite proud that I maintained an air of almost detached calmness throughout the 10 minutes I spent with the 'Parting Farts Man'.

It is very clear though, that MBUK and the stealers have a serious training issue on their hands and while there are legitimate reasons to check the 'entitlement' of punters to order security products (in all our interests!) - I am sure the dealers are interpreting the requirement incorrectly and demanding all the documents on the MB order form rather than Reg Doc + 2 proofs of identity (1 of which could be a passport). After all it is not a requirement when you buy a car to have a passport!

All in all, I haven't had as much fun since I sailed over the handlebars of my motorbike doing an impression of an 'Ooh my goolies' bird.


Oct 28, 2002
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Job's Worth.

Norman - are you sure you're not being set up for 'Candid Camera'?

"Quick here he comes again...."
"what shall we do this time?"
"Deny all knowledge of the order being placed, flattly refuse to recognise him or be able to find him on the system"
"Cool, what then..?"
"OK, tell him he needs to re-order, but....what ever proof he has with him, tell he needs something else"
<more joint sniggering>
"Then...just as he is leaving to get the requested additional ID, tell him you have a rear passenger door for that model...Will that do..??"
<ripsnorting sniggering>
"Quick he's at the counter.... compose yourself.."


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Aug 29, 2002
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Portsmouth UK
I Dooooooooooooooont believe it

Hi Chaps (and Chapesses)

Thought I would share this with you.

Andy was right they do not take long at all. After the original SNAFU with the original order I got a call from the stealer within the week to say replacement barrel had arrived.

Duly sprinted down there (well popped in during my lunch hour). The parts chappy very sheepishly handed over TWO barrels - I don't know whats going on he said but they have sent 2 - of course we are only charging you for 1!! - So now I have a spare - poor lad he was so embarrased he did not even ask for my passport - so i did not offer!

So after waiting over 6 weeks for an ignition barrel 2 turn up at once.

Hey Ho!! Replacement fitted all hunky dory and spare safely stowed away...........

dave elcome

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Aug 12, 2001
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Well the saga continues.

I rang the dealers today, as i had waited a week for them to phone me back in quote "fives mins".

I enquired as to the whereabouts of my lock barrel, the guy on the phone didn't seem to know anything about it, but i heard him ask someone in the back ground. Then comes a different voice.

"Mr Elcome, can i take your number and call you back, i'm concerned that this part is taking so long to arrive, i will ring MB directly, and call you back"

OK says i, but are you going to ring back this time, as you told me this last Wednesday??

"Oh yes, i will ring directly, and then let you know the outcome straight away"

Can't ask for better than that me thinks.

10 Mins later call on the mobile:- "Mr Elcome, this is most embarassing, i must be truethful with you, we have totally cocked up on your order, on the later cars we need the chassis number to order the barrel, on yours we should have used your chassis number to obtain a key number, and then order the barrel from that, this is completely our fault, and i can only appologise, its been ordered now"

The guy went on to explain that they will know some details regarding its impending delivery on friday, as soon as he knows these details he will ring me.

In the end i felt quite sorry for the guy, obviously someone in his dept has cocked up, and hes been left holding the baby!!

so we'll see, but i think i might just get it fitted free!!


Senior Member
Aug 29, 2002
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Portsmouth UK
Sheeesh Dave

They really are taking the p***.

Make sure, when it is eventually available, that you take your DNA code with you! :wink:




Sorry - laughing so hard, I am busting a gut!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Explanation- I work in retail and there are dozens of ways of screwing with a customers head.....
Dave, it sounds to me that your head is being pounded by the parts-r-us gang at local stealership.

Seen it many times, excuses, explanations, call-u-backs,stories, lies, inuendos etc...........
If the guy on the other side of the counter doesn't like you, your statutory rights as a consumer are screwed beyond belief.
Most of the time the customer does not know he is being rude/offensive/thinks he's funny/upsetting/being too hasty etc and the parts guru guy just takes offense....could be right, could be wrong...
Sorry buddy, you been had over by retail is detail squad.

Complaining will not help - if you complain - the Parts Director for Northern Europe will call you at your leisure and apologise using many of his vast arsenal of sound-bites for you pleasure and delictation.
You go away happy as a porker in brownies.
Congratulations - u been had again - u was rappin' with the partsman-buddy dude. Good on the phone and keeps toilets spotless.

HAAAAAAHAAAAA........oh my god I better not read these posts again....
the tears'll damage the keyboard.

Seriously, though, go in, smile, have a laugh. IT'S A BARREL /KEY YOU ARE AFTER< NOT OPEN HEART SURGERY.

chillllllll man... :lol:

Mike Buley

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Jan 14, 2003
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I personally view any person that works behind a counter as a jobsworth. My personal view of parts orderers echo yours. I had a similar experience with a MB bunch. If he needed to photocopy your V5, he should have said so. Probably the lobotomy worked with him.

Onto Gary 430, yup, my 'oppo' would have had a HORT1 just like everyone else, and guess what, I would have smiled so much my face would have split. Dont you find Dave, if you are nice to people, they dislike it even more......

Mike. :twisted:
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