how do i get the key programmed to my car again?? i got a flip out key with only one button lock/unlock. the key locks and unlocks the doors and the alarm!! i need some help..have found somthings on the internet but nothing seems to work
how do i get the key programmed to my car again?? i got a flip out key with only one button lock/unlock. the key locks and unlocks the doors and the alarm!! i need some help..have found somthings on the internet but nothing seems to work
What car, what year???
Your car is xxxxx? do you mean that the ignition lock does not work.
If the key/fob is specifically for your car and has packed up working it may need a resynch and/or new batteries but if the key was bought from someone, other than MB with hope of reprogramming it i,m afraid your out of luck, as this type of key is specific to your particular car.
New their approx. £60-£70.
Does the red LED light work if you press & hold the button? If not, you have either fitted new batteries wrong or the key is faulty.
Not nice when lamp post jump out an hit you, pleased that you can lock the remains of the car.
just my luck..but hey it still works...thank you, i have tried to fix it for a couple off months one less problem to solve in life!!