Can anyone help with information regarding contacts in the removal of the limiter which is fitted to 500SL's.
As you know this car is limited to 155mph, this 5.0 litre engine should be more capable.
You didn't mention how old the SL is. If it is a 107 model. The rev limiter is intergral with the fuel pump relay. If its a 129 I think it may be intergral with the main control unit. But don't quote me on that.
You didn't mention how old the SL is. If it is a 107 model. The rev limiter is intergral with the fuel pump relay. If its a 129 I think it may be intergral with the main control unit. But don't quote me on that.
After having a chat with my fellow tech's, the modifications have to be made in the ECU. The computor management. There are people out there that carry out these sort of mods. The Ameriacans seem to be into this sort of mod's in a big way. Try some of the websites and MB links & even the New Zealand url, which is on one of the forum replies. You could try Brabuss, who are one of the main people who specialise in these mods. I am sure I have spelt the name correctly. Try there web site. It will be .com or the German equivalent.
Ernest Sidesman may be able to add some names as I think he's made a little study of people who carry out these repairs. He is a regular contributor to this forum. Sooner or later he will pick this up and reply.
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