my mercedes 609d has developed a clanking banging noise underneath when being driven seems to be coming from front when accelerating when decelerating slight noise at the back can anyone please help me
That's a very vague description of the problem but I will give you a start. If the noise happens when going over bumps then check all the shock absorber bushes front and rear and also any antiroll bushes as these can cause a funny rattleing sound if worn (worn antiroll bushes are obvious as the bar will slop about in the bush visibly.
If it isn't a suspension noise then check the universal joints on the propshaft, there should be no play in them otherwise they can cause a lot of vibration/knocking and will soon fail catastrophicaly if not fixed.
noise dosent happen going over bumps when accelerating it sounds like metal against metal as though being hit with a mash hammer really loud bang, clank
Well it definitely sounds drivetrain related. If you can't pin it down yourself you really should take it for a professional opinion asap. It sounds like it could be serious and might fail without warning if left unchecked.
Without being there to see for myself I would say it could be broken gears in either the gearbox or axle or still worth checking the propshaft. If it is that noisy a propshaft fault should be obvious.
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