Mercedes CLK 320 cutting out when hot



1998 Mercedes 320 CLK Sport auto

Further to comments below, I've been told that the cutting out problem may be related to a camshaft sensor? Not sure about this as I've already unplugged said sensor with no change i.e car starts from cold every time then cuts out as below - is this correct? Part costs 110 pounds from dealer..!!

My 1998 CLK 320 sport auto has recently developed a serious engine failure problem - engine cuts out when temperature gauge reaches 80. The problem has got gradually worse in subsequent weeks to the point where it is currently confined to the garage :-/ The car will ALWAYS start from cold, however dies after less than half a mile. Engine turns over but will not fire until it cools and temperature gauge drops below 60 and away you go again.... Sounds like a temperature/ coolant problem. I'm hoping it's only a temperature sensor or something similar. Plenty of coolant in the tank and no apparent leaks. Any ideas anyone???


Senior Member
Jan 21, 2006
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hi have come across this often and the remedy has always been a new crankshaft sensor, easy job but costs about £80


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Crankshaft sensor location - 1998 Mercedes CLK 320 sport auto

Thanks for the infoTjo. Can anyone guide me to where the crankshaft sensor is located on my 1998 CLK 320 - any links or pictorials would be greatly appreciated as I can't seem to find any manuals online. Also a description of what function this sensor performs would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks to all.

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