1998 Mercedes 320 CLK Sport auto
Further to comments below, I've been told that the cutting out problem may be related to a camshaft sensor? Not sure about this as I've already unplugged said sensor with no change i.e car starts from cold every time then cuts out as below - is this correct? Part costs 110 pounds from dealer..!!
My 1998 CLK 320 sport auto has recently developed a serious engine failure problem - engine cuts out when temperature gauge reaches 80. The problem has got gradually worse in subsequent weeks to the point where it is currently confined to the garage :-/ The car will ALWAYS start from cold, however dies after less than half a mile. Engine turns over but will not fire until it cools and temperature gauge drops below 60 and away you go again.... Sounds like a temperature/ coolant problem. I'm hoping it's only a temperature sensor or something similar. Plenty of coolant in the tank and no apparent leaks. Any ideas anyone???
Further to comments below, I've been told that the cutting out problem may be related to a camshaft sensor? Not sure about this as I've already unplugged said sensor with no change i.e car starts from cold every time then cuts out as below - is this correct? Part costs 110 pounds from dealer..!!
My 1998 CLK 320 sport auto has recently developed a serious engine failure problem - engine cuts out when temperature gauge reaches 80. The problem has got gradually worse in subsequent weeks to the point where it is currently confined to the garage :-/ The car will ALWAYS start from cold, however dies after less than half a mile. Engine turns over but will not fire until it cools and temperature gauge drops below 60 and away you go again.... Sounds like a temperature/ coolant problem. I'm hoping it's only a temperature sensor or something similar. Plenty of coolant in the tank and no apparent leaks. Any ideas anyone???