Couple of things, 1st thing, injector leaking by, air in the fuel lines due to a poor seal, or a crank sensor, seeing a lot of 270s doing this today on here!!
It had a new crankshaft sensor in august after breaking down in France. It's gone into the main dealer as I thought it would be the sensor and therefore be repaired under guarantee. They tell me now its not the sensor but something linked to the fuel injection system. Best get a new bank loan!!!!
Well in its gone and the last i heard they were having trouble getting no5 injector out, having replaced no3. I'm waiting for the call now and hope that she is done. She will have to go in the new year though, I've spent 5k in 4 years on her, and as much as I have enjoyed mercs in the past, this is the one that broke the camels back. My thanks to the Maidenhead and Bray car company for selling me this crock.
GAD was founded in 2009 where we developed bespoke ECU Remapping software for motorsport clients, moving forward, we have extended to road vehicles for both performance and economy, contact GAD Tuning discuss your requirements.
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