New to forum-Some advice please


New Member
Apr 17, 2007
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Just bought a sprinter 312 which was previosly owned by the water board.
The van drove without problems until i decided to take out all the extra wiring that had been put in for the equipment they used.

The problem that i have is that they had cut the blue/white wire on the ip that is part of the original wirig loom and connected that to the extra wiring they had installed and then connected another wire to where this original wire went back into there wiring.

Being the prat that i am i cut the connection between the original wiring and the extra wiring and when i tried to start the van it would start but then cut out immediately.

I have cured the starting problem but now the EDC stays on and the vehicle only drives in limp mode.

I am sorry for the long winded tale but wanted to know if the light will reset itself or does it have to be reset at the dealers for it to come out of limp mode.


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