Nokia 6233 cradle problem / question


New Member
Sep 14, 2008
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West Sussex
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06 C220 Sport Edition and 56 E220 Elegance
Hi All,

recently had to change from my trusty 6310i mobile to a brand new Nokia 6233, but being a cheapskate, obtained a cradle from ebay for a third of the cost, but now not sure if it was a wise decision?
can anyone who has the same phone setup (Nokia 6233 and phone specific cradle) advise me if the external car ariel is employed when the phone is in use in the car, and if the incoming ring tone is played through the car speakers?
strange questions i know, but in both cases, with mine it does not!
thought about asking the local main dealer if i could "borrow" a new cradle to test, but think they might not be too helpful when i tell them i bought my cradle off ebay!!!
any ideas?


Senior Member
Aug 20, 2007
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I also have a 6233 with the Pre wired telephone install C220 2006 model

I have an external areial so i would have thought yes but unlike the 6310 the 6233 does not have a specific areial connection unless it connects through the phone connections. With regards to the ring it does come through the car speakers. How much did you pay for the craddle

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