Car not up to temperature (68°) so rest of the readings are pretty meaningless. Last one where temp is 79° is better.
That said lambda values look very high suggesting very lean (16:1 AFR).
Looking at that you have a massive air leak or injectors aren't delivering enough fuel. How's the MAF? If it's showing low airflow it will run lean.
O2 sensors look like they're doing their thing and yes there are 4. Two before each cat and two after.
Ok LK , I thought O2 Looked ok too , id been out in it but it was sat fir 2 hours before i plugged in , what values will a good MAF show? Does the EGR fault code 0400 not mean anything??
Most cars these days have EGRs to reduce NOx. Check all the connections to it - especially vacuum connections. If nothing found remove and check it's not gunked up. EGR problems on petrol engines are pretty rare.
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