Odd w123 280E water leak? Cracked block?


Johnny G Pipe

Hello freinds.

My sadly rarely driven but otherwise healthy 83 280E saloon has taken to emptying her coolant on to the garage floor.

I at first suspected a cracked block - I may not have put in enough antifreeze in one year :mad: , not being used to watercooled contraptions. However she is garaged next to our central heating boiler and the nature of the leak makes me think that hopefully it is less serious than this:

The leak always happens when the engine is cold. In particular the leak will not start until perhaps the next day after a drive, and then drip away until there are a few litres on the floor. I would have expected a cracked block to leak heavily when the engine was heated up - but perhaps not?

The water drips off the rear of the fan, coming from above the fan by the looks of it - I can't see any obvious source or rusty tracks. Anyone have any advice - like I say I am not used to this sort of problem! A freind has said 'it'll be yer core plug mate', knowingly. Is this likely?

Thanks in advance..
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Mar 14, 2005
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Though a core plug can leak,it would be difficult for the water to get onto the fan.as there is no water in the front part of the engine. There is nothing other than the water pump on the front and I think that you will find it is the pump that is leaking. this is a common wear related .

put your finger under the pump and see if it is wet.

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Johnny G Pipe

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Thanks for the leads and links, most kind.:D Seems a likely candidate.

I will check for pumpesque items and signs of leakage thereof (when i get a ****** minute, that is. Sheesh!)


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Feb 28, 2007
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glad to be of help even for just a bit.. goodluck! :)

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