Oil Leak - W202


Active Member
Apr 21, 2007
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On my mercedes C180 1997 auto - 87k fsh, I have an oil leak.

I get spotting on the driveway.

I have had the gearbox looked at under warranty and have been told that the leak is not coming from there - plus the fact that apparently the gearbox is a sealed unit.

They informed me that I should get the engine completely steam cleaned and take it a 500 mile run to find out where the leak is coming from.

I have a small crack and hole in my oil filler cap - could it be coming from there? The breather pipe from the engine also needs replacing as the old one seems too hard - could that be the problem?

Or could it be that in jan 2007 - prior to owning the car, the previous owner had the waterpump replaced - not a cheap job - i would assume that you would not replace it unless it had failed.

Could it be that the headgasket got wet, thus causing the head to "rust" a little - thus causing a gap caused by rust?




Always remembered RIP
Mar 14, 2005
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Your Mercedes
2002 SL500, 216 CL500, all fully loaded
I would by an aerosol of engine cleaner as spray all of the components thats could be leaking, put some sheets of cardboard under the car so not to spoil the drive, just use a kettle to rinse off, clean off with a rag, you will then see any new oil leaks.

Do bear in mind that the fan blows any oil to the rear of engine.

Engine cleaner will also clean the drive


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Apr 21, 2007
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Yesterday I booked my car into a mb dealer to see if they could find out where my oil leak was coming from.

They did - unfortunately.

They informed me that the Head Gasket was leaking oil and that the Rear Main Oil Seal was leaking oil.

Cost of the parts around £55, cost of the labour around £1800.

I live in Folkestone and have spoken to MB Indie who have quoted me £985 for the same job. Is this reasonable? Is there a better, cheaper indie in my area?

Fortunately my 1997 88k C180 FSH is covered by an external warranty in which they will pay £460 towards the bill.

Any help would be appreciative as always.


Senior Member
Jul 11, 2007
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I can give you a complete engine for £250, can send pictures if required, I have the clock to prove the milage, only done 88K.

Yesterday I booked my car into a mb dealer to see if they could find out where my oil leak was coming from.

They did - unfortunately.

They informed me that the Head Gasket was leaking oil and that the Rear Main Oil Seal was leaking oil.

Cost of the parts around £55, cost of the labour around £1800.

I live in Folkestone and have spoken to MB Indie who have quoted me £985 for the same job. Is this reasonable? Is there a better, cheaper indie in my area?

Fortunately my 1997 88k C180 FSH is covered by an external warranty in which they will pay £460 towards the bill.

Any help would be appreciative as always.

Chris Knott Insurance, see oursticky posts here!
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