Outside temp gauge malfunction


Senior Member
Mar 23, 2005
Reaction score
between Caen and Cherbourg, Normandy
Your Mercedes
1998 W140 S320 blue
I was driving my W124 E320 cabrio last week in good weather when I suddenly noticed the reading on the dash outside temp gauge was more or less exactly 10 degrees too light ie +4 instead of 14.

local dealership changed the sensor but it made no difference ( exxcept to my wallet). They said it must be the gauge end. But they didn't have time ( and I didn't really have the inclination) for them to dismantle the dash.

Has anyone had this or related problems before? Is it a replace or repair job. I notice that an earlier post said they'd had moisture there which gave a faulty reading but weather here (SW France) is and has been very dry.

Any thoughts welcome.

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