Hi everybody, just found this site, looks great. I'm hoping someone out there might be able to help me.
I have a problem with my ’92 500SL that I’m hoping someone can help with. There is an occasional, intermittent fault when using the indicator stalk. As I flick the stalk up or down I will sometimes see the row of coloured warning lights in the dash light up for a split second, just the way they do when you first switch the ignition on. This brief flash of the warning lights is all that happens and is easy to miss. More worryingly, on a couple of occasions I have been driving along a straight road (ie. Not using indicators) and had a very brief loss of power, once for just a split second and another time for 3 or 4 seconds. This problem was accompanied by the same illumination of the dash warning lights both times. When the engine power came back the warning lights went out.
My scant knowledge of auto electrics make me think there may be some break in the ignition circuit, maybe a faulty ignition switch? I’m hoping that one of the resident experts might have encountered this problem before and can help me locate the problem and suggest possible remedies.
Many thanks… Kenny
I have a problem with my ’92 500SL that I’m hoping someone can help with. There is an occasional, intermittent fault when using the indicator stalk. As I flick the stalk up or down I will sometimes see the row of coloured warning lights in the dash light up for a split second, just the way they do when you first switch the ignition on. This brief flash of the warning lights is all that happens and is easy to miss. More worryingly, on a couple of occasions I have been driving along a straight road (ie. Not using indicators) and had a very brief loss of power, once for just a split second and another time for 3 or 4 seconds. This problem was accompanied by the same illumination of the dash warning lights both times. When the engine power came back the warning lights went out.
My scant knowledge of auto electrics make me think there may be some break in the ignition circuit, maybe a faulty ignition switch? I’m hoping that one of the resident experts might have encountered this problem before and can help me locate the problem and suggest possible remedies.
Many thanks… Kenny