hello ive just bought the mercedes 190 2.3 16 cosworth,ive been having problems with the power steering,so i thought i look into it and found out the previous guy topped it up with brake fluid so i flushed the resavoir and put in power steering fluid but still its a bit stiff and sumtimes intermittently starts working on & off could the brake fluid damage any parts and what else can i do as its making a whining noise now everytime i try to turn the wheel.
Hello Nas
i forgot to say yesterday, welcome to the mercedes-Benz Owners`Assoc Discussion Forums.
And welcome to cosworth ownership!! a road frought with danger mate!!
im having second thoughts about my impulse purchase already! its like how much do you spend before you decide you have gone beyond the point of no return and have to keep it to justify the amount you have paid out. im still in two minds as to wether i will keep it for the summer do some jobs on it and sell in the autumn, or just sell it real soon!!
ill see if i can contact a mate who does alot of work on his own cozzie and see what he reckons about yr problem but in a way i tend to agree with Koolvin YIKES!!!!. but then im a complete pessimist. the PAS fluid resevoir is always half empty in my mind !
Hi Nas
i have spoken to someone regarding your PAS problem. he suggests flushing the system out thoroughly with clean fluid and see what happens. he thinks that the brake fluid could possibly have damaged the seals and veins, in the pump i guess if its still no better you start by replacing the it. he says a second hand one should be about £70.00 from a merc breakers.
Nas you might want to see what other people suggest before you go with what i have been told.
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