Radar sensor.


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This keeps happening. Nor sure what it is. Watched a vid on youtube and they say its interference?



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If you live near radar installations or radio telescopes then it will be deactivated as it’s the same wave length as what they use, they transmit a signal that tells anything in the area using it to deactivate


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I pluvfed it in and in events it said rear sensor interface. I was at the hopital at the time. Nothing to worry about


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I wouldn't even mess about. Compile a list of issues and take it back to the dealer.


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^ As above. This car seems plagued with faults.
It's a wrong un' and I'd be seeking a full refund and search again.


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Jul 29, 2014
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that message is normal

when merc went with the frequencies they use, virtually no other manufacturers did radar of any sort.... sadly you will find plenty of modern cars throwing noise that these old mercs can't cope with.

in the USA it seems blind spot assist is a very common feature, and was fitted on S classes back in 2007 for their market.... they all scream about this picking up modern ADAS radar traffic all the time. Unfortunately the lawyers decided the level of the warning tone this needs to let you know the system bailed out is almost worse than hitting the other vehicle...

Jaguar, Nissan, Renault always throw radar noise mercs can't handle, some VAG stuff, temporary Traffic light systems, plus cheap aftermarket parking sensor and dash cams all add to the fun. there is nothing you can do, no software updates or other cures exist

They used to link the Sat nav up and turn off the cruise when near a cruise missile or nuclear weapons entablements - doesn't seem to do it as much these days


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I wonder if you turn off pre safe braking in the cluster menus if it drops back the nags?

its part of the disctronic plus cruise. The outer radars hunt out trouble all the time.... (move cluster menu to radar view an you'll see its ALWYAS ON). "Pre safe brake" brings in an audible nag and visual tell tail in the cluster for situations where its seem movement of others and the way your vehicle is behaving as potentially dodgy, and it beeps to wake you up.... (and when activated sends a get ready message to various systems) its the precursor of todays city braking - but merc full of confidence in their new tech didn't link the brakes

if you turn it off, I guess it also turn off BLIS for car that have it (blind spot assist), it doesn't stop the radar interference but it disables the system to save the bings and bongs.

all disctronic plus 221s have parking sensors, but the early ones used radar to do the job and it look like a conventional car without parking sensors.... they soon stopped and went to the ultra sonic ones everyone uses today, to reduce the nag you are seeing in the cluster
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that message is normal

when merc went with the frequencies they use, virtually no other manufacturers did radar of any sort.... sadly you will find plenty of modern cars throwing noise that these old mercs can't cope with.

in the USA it seems blind spot assist is a very common feature, and was fitted on S classes back in 2007 for their market.... they all scream about this picking up modern ADAS radar traffic all the time. Unfortunately the lawyers decided the level of the warning tone this needs to let you know the system bailed out is almost worse than hitting the other vehicle...

Jaguar, Nissan, Renault always throw radar noise mercs can't handle, some VAG stuff, temporary Traffic light systems, plus cheap aftermarket parking sensor and dash cams all add to the fun. there is nothing you can do, no software updates or other cures exist

They used to link the Sat nav up and turn off the cruise when near a cruise missile or nuclear weapons entablements - doesn't seem to do it as much these days
Other than radio telescope installations and military radar installations I’ve never had any systems on my car shut down. I’m afraid at this point your thoughts are just unbelievable


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Other than radio telescope installations and military radar installations I’ve never had any systems on my car shut down. I’m afraid at this point your thoughts are just unbelievable
read the owners manual for the w221 it specifically calls all this out (the Nav automatically taking out the cruise came with a software update and later maps, when first released it says you must do this yourself). It even lists where - for the UK

52 09 59 N - 00 02 20 E 9km restriction
53 09 22 N - 02 32 03 W 5km restriction
53 14 10 N - 02 18 26 W 9km restriction
52 47 24 N - 02 59 45 W 5km restriction
53 17 18 N - 02 26 38 W 9km restriction

and the parking sensor throwing teddies is NORMAL - and its why its in ORANGE... if it was a serious failure it would be RED

distronic plus can also switch off with ORANGE warning for heavy rain (only had this once)

To this end, automotive radar systems has undergone an extensive evolution since the first prototypes... and in US and Europe during the late 1990s with the Daimler S-class systems, followed by Jaguar, Nissan and BMW... Moving to the future it has been concluded that the systems must be able to sustain high levels of interference caused by inter-operating sensors... As a part of the increasing demands and due to the technological advances, the traditionally employed 24 GHz systems are getting phased out for the high bandwidth 77 GHz systems
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read the owners manual for the w221 it specifically calls all this out (the Nav automatically taking out the cruise came with a software update and later maps, when first released it says you must do this yourself). It even lists where - for the UK

52 09 59 N - 00 02 20 E 9km restriction
53 09 22 N - 02 32 03 W 5km restriction
53 14 10 N - 02 18 26 W 9km restriction
52 47 24 N - 02 59 45 W 5km restriction
53 17 18 N - 02 26 38 W 9km restriction

and the parking sensor throwing teddies is NORMAL - and its why its in ORANGE... if it was a serious failure it would be RED

distronic plus can also switch off with ORANGE warning for heavy rain (only had this once)
Distronic ssitchrd off in the s class all the time in the rain. It swutched off on me on the way home in the cl in heavy rain befind a lorry then came back on again.

Took a while for parking sensors to come back on to be fair. While off it knocked off collision warbing and distronic too


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read the owners manual for the w221 it specifically calls all this out (the Nav automatically taking out the cruise came with a software update and later maps, when first released it says you must do this yourself). It even lists where - for the UK

52 09 59 N - 00 02 20 E 9km restriction
53 09 22 N - 02 32 03 W 5km restriction
53 14 10 N - 02 18 26 W 9km restriction
52 47 24 N - 02 59 45 W 5km restriction
53 17 18 N - 02 26 38 W 9km restriction

and the parking sensor throwing teddies is NORMAL - and its why its in ORANGE... if it was a serious failure it would be RED

distronic plus can also switch off with ORANGE warning for heavy rain (only had this once)

To this end, automotive radar systems has undergone an extensive evolution since the first prototypes... and in US and Europe during the late 1990s with the Daimler S-class systems, followed by Jaguar, Nissan and BMW... Moving to the future it has been concluded that the systems must be able to sustain high levels of interference caused by inter-operating sensors... As a part of the increasing demands and due to the technological advances, the traditionally employed 24 GHz systems are getting phased out for the high bandwidth 77 GHz systems
So military/radar installations as I said then, nothing to do with any of the other points you tried to claim.
Heavy rain yes that’s understandable as it reflects all radio waves like a mirror, ever wondered why TV/Satellite/Radio isn’t a as clear when it’s wet outside,


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Distronic on the 230 turns off around high voltage power lines.


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So military/radar installations as I said then, nothing to do with any of the other points you tried to claim.
Heavy rain yes that’s understandable as it reflects all radio waves like a mirror, ever wondered why TV/Satellite/Radio isn’t a as clear when it’s wet outside,

Radar parking sensors on the 2005 to 2007 S, w221 with disctronic plus turn off frequently due to interference from Jags, Nissans, Renaults, Temporary traffic lights etc.

When it does it, it throws that orange message on the dash.... once the interference has past it automatically re-enables itself, hence the message saying "automatically"…. it can happen unlimited times, for example 20 times in a 5 mile trip, or if you're in a queue of traffic on a motorway with lots of Jags and Nissans it can become very irritating (as they bunch up it cuts the signal re-enables, then as they pull away, the fun starts all over .. However if you don't find one of the offending vehicles or roadside annoyances it could stay enabled without that message for a month

everything I wrote is 100% accurate
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'93 500SL-32, '01 W210 Estate E240 (RIP), 02 R230 SL500, 04 Smart Roadster Coupe, 11 R350CDi
Radar parking sensors on the 2005 to 2007 S, w221 with disctronic plus turn off frequently due to interference from Jags, Nissans, Renaults, Temporary traffic lights etc.

When it does it, it throws that orange message on the dash.... once the interference has past it automatically re-enables itself, hence the message saying "automatically"…. it can happen unlimited times, for example 20 times in a 5 mile trip, or if you're in a queue of traffic on a motorway with lots of Jags and Nissans it can become very irritating (as they bunch up it cuts the signal re-enables, then as they pull away, the fun starts all over .. However if you don't find one of the offending vehicles or roadside annoyances it could stay enabled without that message for a month

everything I wrote is 100% accurate
The 230 doesn't re-enable it just pokes up a warning for 'External fault' which you have to clear manually. Then you can resume cruise and if past the source it goes back to previously set speed. It does seem occasionally to get it's knickers in a knot and not re-enable until the ignition is cycled.


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chap on USA forum is learning how to break his car with all the secret cluster options the w221 is built with.... I highlighted bold the important point he made on Friday

….along the lines of the seat belt warning, is the G damned Park Assist Inoperable-- "your car is about to explode"-- warning. If I can disable the seat belt warning, I may have a go at turning off the audible on Park Assist... However, I don't want to disable the audible warning for "too close". We shall see...

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