I have done on both my cars without any issues , I use a wide rubber pad below the diff . Make sure the front wheels are chocked for when you lift the rear wheels with their parking brake off the groundHi!Is it safe to raise the rear end from diff with trolly jack to drop off the wheels on a w203 C220 coupe?
Appreciated!Thank youI have done on both my cars without any issues , I use a wide rubber pad below the diff . Make sure the front wheels are chocked for when you lift the rear wheels with their parking brake off the ground
Me too. I usedI have done on both my cars without any issues , I use a wide rubber pad below the diff . Make sure the front wheels are chocked for when you lift the rear wheels with their parking brake off the ground
Nice buddy , as you would expect though , mines bigger
Well played buddyJob done!No rubber pad,used nice chunky piece of unplaned floorboard 6"X 6" on jack cup,feeling good now.